Introducing the new Standard Edition & EX-EDITION values.

Introducing the new values of Standard and EX-EDITION.

Standard Edition

For a long time now, Standard Edition only included the Base game, PORTAL and Jailbreak Debut. After the release of 2.4.0 we introduce you the new 2 weapon skins for your MP5 & LMG! The glow orange color will attract all the attention you need. Show off to your enemies! We had to optimize Standard Edition due to the size limitation we got so your EX-Perience with Standard Edition is set status to, "Decent". Ugh just kiddin', you will still enjoy the game if you have to!


EX-EDITION included TONS of content. Why not add more? Now, with the release of 2.4.1 and now, 2.4.2 we introduce you the NEW and UPDATED golden skins for your whole inventory of your weapons (well not all of them, but most of them). This updated Gold skin pack is more efficient to the environment around you! They glow, they spark and they are fresh painted! Is that all, i hear you say? Nope. In the latest update we just released minutes ago, 2.4.2, we added a NEW weapon. The Pumpkin_Shooter. It's a similar weapon to Asteroid_Shooter but this one, you hold onto it more and the projectiles' speed is faster. You see, Asteroid_Shooters' projectile speed is 3 and Pumpkin_Shooters' speed is 10. You see the difference? Yeah, me either. Hold on though, we are not done yet. EX-EDITION means better visuality  (i just made it up) which means..HD Textures and HD Audio. Yes. EX-EDITION provides you a guaranteed EX-Perience.

Thank you for sticking with us during this amazing journey of ex drones, ex-drones, Ex-Drones, EX-Drones and EX-DRONES™. Phew, during the time it's amazing how the game changed titles. Absolutely remarkable. From 2020 to 2025. Sounds unreal. Thank you all again! 

©EX-DRONES™ 2020-2025 TheSilentHouseStudio & Cookie Studios all rights reserved.


EX-DRONES™ Standard 3.8 GB
35 days ago
Version 2 35 days ago


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