going Free-to-Play / Free-to-Keep!


After the release of Cookie Clicker by TheSilentHouse_Studio & Cookie Studios. The best selling title with the most critique feedback is going free to play / free to keep for a limited time starting on November 21st and runs until December 21st. According to the Itch.io records, CC:AE sold over 31 copies including 416 impressions by 11 November 2024. Thank you for the support for over 3 years of this project!


_Thank you dear community_

Cookie Clicker: AE started as a small project and not very depended. We are here today because of you. Your feedback, your critique has made us change our minds about stuff that were wrong with the game and we acted. We changed the name, we fixed the most issues with the game, we removed but added content, we updated the Quality of Life, optimized it, added 1 big gamemode that brought many new features and options, and most of all..we had fun doing it. It was a simple project and personally it was the most fun i could have in game development due the simplicity of it.

_Why Paid?_

I acknowledge that it can be frustrating, i personally dislike paywalls in simple games like this while you can play something the similar and free. During the time of our development with the game, i had some economic problems and i had to feed my own self. In Cookie Clicker at first, i was only 1 person working on it with Orpheus (lead developer on any project) and the rest developers were working on EX-DRONES and we are all proud to see and show you the future of it! As i was saying, we were all working (4-6 people) on this project which sounds stupid due to the simplicity of it and it's easier to watch a tutorial on YouTube on your own. The project was on the hands of the half team and the other half on EX-DRONES. Then, EX-DRONES had so many issues and they all decided to proceed on assisting the rest of the team. I was on my own building and developing the rest of the project (later on Orpheus left the project for a while). For the 3 years anniversary i decided with the team to give you 1 month priority to claim it for free! And if anyone's mad because it's going free after they paid for it, don't worry! Send us an email at " thesilenthousestudio@gmail.com" with proof and we'll send you a huge discount code for EX-DRONES!

_How did GOTTY Edition was a thing?_

I've been keeping an eye and recording on the statics of the game and i saw a huge number of views and the sales were going neat, maybe even the best we had back then. It was crazy, a simple project yet people were interested and i am still grateful to all of you out there! I had the idea of adding effects and new style to the game...and more cookies because they were never enough! I introduced my idea to Cookie Studios and they agreed as long as i had the upper hand of it, they counted on me. They liked the project :) and so here we are GOTTY edition..i took it from GOTY which is Game Of The Year, and made it Game Of The Tshs Year Edition. If you're new or don't know about it, TSHS stands for TheSilentHouse_Studio.. us!

_What's the difference between GOTTY Edition and Anniversary Edition?_

It's big..i mean BIG. It was the 2nd anniversary of the game and oh dear i wanted to add some more and bring back a very cool event! In anniversary edition things weren't a joke so i added extra 5 cookies which makes them now 13! I've also brought back the Christmas Spirit Event and it's accessible any time! Not only that, but Anniversary Edition was a major update for the bugs! I fixed tons of them. Finally, me and the team added a Thank You letter in the Quick Credits Menu. Cookie Clicker was trademarked also and you, the community, criticized it and you were right and thank you for that, so i changed the name to Cookie Clicker: Anniversary Edition™, forever and ever.(TSHS Trademark).

_The future of CC:AE™_

While there are not many new things to add, i'll consider adding more cookies (yes MORE!) or making a brand new gamemode but i haven't gotten into it nor i will anytime soon now that bigger projects are on the way BUT never say never, a miracle can happen. But for now only time will tell.

_Thank you for those 3 years_

I don't like repeating myself, but anything for the dear community. I'd like to give all my love to you out there who supported us during this development and contributed into this small universe of ours.  

Best Regards from all the team,

TheSilentHouse_Studio & Cookie Studios

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